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  • EI
  • Scopus
  • 食品科學與工程領域高質量科技期刊分級目錄第一方陣T1
  • DOAJ
  • 北大核心期刊
  • 中國核心學術期刊RCCSE
  • JST China
  • FSTA
  • 中國精品科技期刊
  • 中國農業核心期刊
  • CA
  • WJCI
  • 中國科技核心期刊CSTPCD
  • 中國生物醫學SinoMed
楊春,曹慧,王銳蘭,等. 食品安全檢驗檢測機構發展現狀及能力提升對策研究——以浙江省為例[J]. 食品工業科技,2024,45(6):396?403. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023060066.
引用本文: 楊春,曹慧,王銳蘭,等. 食品安全檢驗檢測機構發展現狀及能力提升對策研究——以浙江省為例[J]. 食品工業科技,2024,45(6):396?403. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023060066.
YANG Chun, CAO Hui, WANG Ruilan, et al. Research on the Current Situation and Strategies for Enhancing the Development and Capacity of Food Safety Inspection and Testing Institutions ——A Case Study of Zhejiang Province[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024, 45(6): 396?403. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023060066.
Citation: YANG Chun, CAO Hui, WANG Ruilan, et al. Research on the Current Situation and Strategies for Enhancing the Development and Capacity of Food Safety Inspection and Testing Institutions ——A Case Study of Zhejiang Province[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024, 45(6): 396?403. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023060066.


Research on the Current Situation and Strategies for Enhancing the Development and Capacity of Food Safety Inspection and Testing Institutions ——A Case Study of Zhejiang Province

  • 摘要: 民以食為天,食以安為先,食品安全關乎民生及經濟發展、社會穩定,是人民群眾對美好生活向往的重要內容,是全社會公眾關注的焦點。近年來,我國食品安全在取得重大成就的同時,形勢依然嚴峻,農獸藥殘留超標、非法添加有毒有害物質等問題時有出現。作為保障食品安全的重要技術支撐手段,食品檢驗檢測機構也存在良莠不齊的現象,人員管理不到位、設施設備使用不規范、法律意識淡薄出具不實報告等行為時有發生,嚴重擾亂檢驗檢測市場正常秩序,影響食品安全檢測的權威性準確性。本文結合近年浙江省組織的檢驗檢測機構能力驗證情況,對食品檢驗檢測機構在管理水平和檢測能力方面存在的典型問題進行研究,深入剖析根源,并從檢驗檢測機構強化主體責任、監管部門管服結合、加強行業自律三方面提出具體的對策措施,以期促進其檢驗檢測能力不斷提升,推動食品檢驗檢測機構高質量發展,切實保障人民群眾“舌尖上的安全”。


    Abstract: Food is vital to the people, and safety comes first in food. Food safety is crucial to people's livelihood, economic development, and social stability. It represents people's aspiration for a better life and grabs great public attention. In recent years, while China has achieved significant progress in food safety, the situation remains severe, with incidents such as excessive residues of agricultural and veterinary drugs, as well as illegal addition of toxic and harmful substances. As an important technical support for ensuring food safety, food safety inspection and testing institutions also exhibit a mixed bag of performance. Problems such as inadequate personnel management, improper use of facilities and equipment, weak legal awareness resulting in issuance of false reports have frequently occurred, seriously disrupting the normal order of the inspection and testing market and affecting the authority and accuracy of food safety testing. Based on the capacity verification of inspection and testing organizations in Zhejiang Province in recent years, this paper studies the typical problems faced by food inspection and testing institutions in terms of management level and testing capabilities, analyzes the root causes in depth, and proposes specific strategies from three aspects: Strengthening the main responsibility of inspection and testing institutions, combining regulatory departments with supervision and guidance, and enhancing industry self-discipline, aiming to continuously improve their inspection and testing capabilities, promote the high-quality development of food inspection and testing institutions, and effectively ensure the safety of every bite of food.


