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陳曉晴,廖盧艷,吳衛國. 花椒味花生仁真空入味工藝優化及其品質分析[J]. 食品工業科技,2024,45(8):190?199. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023050307.
引用本文: 陳曉晴,廖盧艷,吳衛國. 花椒味花生仁真空入味工藝優化及其品質分析[J]. 食品工業科技,2024,45(8):190?199. doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023050307.
CHEN Xiaoqing, LIAO Luyan, WU Weiguo. Optimization of Vacuum Flavoring Technology and Quality Analysis of Pepper-flavored Peanut Kernel[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024, 45(8): 190?199. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023050307.
Citation: CHEN Xiaoqing, LIAO Luyan, WU Weiguo. Optimization of Vacuum Flavoring Technology and Quality Analysis of Pepper-flavored Peanut Kernel[J]. Science and Technology of Food Industry, 2024, 45(8): 190?199. (in Chinese with English abstract). doi: 10.13386/j.issn1002-0306.2023050307.


Optimization of Vacuum Flavoring Technology and Quality Analysis of Pepper-flavored Peanut Kernel

  • 摘要: 花生傳統加工方式存在能耗大、入味慢、加工周期長等缺點,為了得到風味更佳的花椒味花生仁休閑食品,本研究采用真空技術與傳統技術相結合的加工方式,通過負壓時間、負壓次數、真空度三個單因素實驗篩選真空入味工藝參數條件,以花椒酰胺含量和感官評分為考察指標,在單因素實驗的基礎上通過響應面試驗優化真空入味花椒味花生仁的工藝條件。結果表明,各因素對花椒味花生仁的影響順序為負壓時間>負壓次數>真空度,最佳工藝參數為負壓時間100 s、負壓次數6 次、真空參數0.80 MPa。該最佳工藝制作的花椒花生仁蛋白質含量為27%,脂肪含量為57%,過氧化值和酸價均符合國家的標準,感官評分為93.1分。本研究以推動標準化加工的堅果休閑食品全產業鏈提供參考,促進堅果休閑食品產業的可持續發展。


    Abstract: The traditional processing method of peanuts has drawbacks such as high energy consumption, slow flavor absorption, and long processing cycles, to get better flavor of pepper-flavored peanut kernel snack food, this study used the vacuum technology combining with traditional technology to optimize by examining the effect of negative pressure time, negative pressure times and vacuum degree on the content of zanthoxylamide and sensory score using a combination of single factor method and response surface design. The results showed that the order of influence of various factors on pepper-flavored peanut kernels was negative pressure time>negative pressure frequency>vacuum degree. The optimal process parameters were negative pressure time of 100 seconds, negative pressure frequency of 6 times, and vacuum parameter of 0.80 MPa. The protein and fat content of pepper-flavored peanut kernels produced by this optimal process were 27% and 57%, respectively. The peroxide value and acid value meet national standards, and the sensory score was 93.1 points. This study would provide a reference for promoting the standardized processing of the entire nut snack food industry chain, and promoted the sustainable development of the nut snack food industry.


